
Crepopo 2: It's About The French Salty Butter

After cooking for La Chandeleur (crepes for 7 = a lot of crepes!), I've realized crepopo is not only about the importance of figuring out the right batter concoction...it's also about the salty butter. The right salty butter. French salty butter.

Really, truly, the butter makes the difference. American "salted" butter is completely different then the French variety, so I highly recommend tracking some down (the packages I seem to find here are all "demi-sel"). Crepes cooked with it--especially savory ones--taste more authentic...and border on heaven...

I made buckwheat crepes for our main course, and the "regular" sweet variety for dessert. I cooked both batches in salty butter (with Jimmy's help), wrapped each stack in aluminum foil, and kept them warm in the oven.

My little International Grocery was out of buckwheat flour, so I picked up a bag of Bob's Red Mill, which is whole grain and darker than what I've used before. I made the batter the night before (250 g buckwheat flour, 250 ml water, 250 ml milk, 2 eggs, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 40 grams melted butter), but when I opened it the following morning to make a test drive, it was waaaaay thick. So, I added a little more water (100 ml), and hoped things would work.

Oddly, when it came time to cook, the batter slid around the pan, which was of course problematic. I finally got a handle on things (don't grease the pan with butter first), and I ended up with a pile of workable crepes, which we later filled with a selection of bacon, goat cheese, mushrooms, melty leeks, eggs, and caramelized onions.

Dessert was happiness (I stuck to the same sweet crepe recipe as last week), and pretty much everyone took their turn constructing a crepe. Sté went first, and used his Parisian upbringing to make a perfectly-folded apricot/Nutella beauty.

Others experimented with the Brazilian fruit jams Tony contributed, salty butter, and straight-up Nutella. My personal favorite was another traditional French offering: butter, lemon, and sugar. Perfection.

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