So much for celebrating all of my successful crepe endeavors. This morning I made a couple of buckwheat crepes for breakfast...but they weren't right at all! I used the same recipe as I did last year, and the only thing I did differently this year was weigh the flours instead of converting the measurements to cups. But for whatever reason, the batter's super-runny, doesn't taste right, and is just completely wrong. Mysterious.
Back to the drawing board. Seems like many of the recipes I've found on a quick search of French websites have a few more ingredients and a different flour-to-liquid ratio, so we'll see what happens!
Just A Quick Note About My Crepe Obsession

And as the French traditionally eat lots of crepes on La Chandeleur (February 2nd), my obsession will undoubtedly last through next week...

Oh Daffy, Your Compatriots Are Soooo Tasty

Smokey The Bear once said, "You, too, can cook duck at home."
Anyway, you can cook duck at home, and it's sooo easy. And really, we had no choice but to try--Mandy had purchased some beautiful local duck breasts--so we grabbed her grill pan and our imaginations, and went to work.
We began by marinating the duck in quatre épices, orange juice, and a little red wine (we think the quatre épice was ultimately key, so get out there and find some). Then we started a blood orange, shallot, honey sauce, from which we learned a lot. Mistakes were made (so I won't really go into it here), but next time we'll know better--use the juice of a blood orange, not the pulp, as it ends up making everything fairly bitter.
Mandy had done her research, so while we were a little afraid we'd ruin the duck, we forged ahead--fat side down for 7 minutes, flesh side for 5--and they actually came out perfectly. Served with our rescued sauce, garlicky-lemon spinach, and spaghetti squash with butter and sage, dinner was pretty fan-tabulous.
So, don't be afraid of the duck--get out there and grill some for yourself!
Simple Celery Potato Soup
I needed to use some potato peelings to season my new de Buyer crepe pan (I should research why, but it's Sunday afternoon and I'm feeling lazy). I pondered what to do with the actual potato and bit of droopy celery I noticed hanging out in the vegetable bin, and decided to improvise an easy soup. To my surprise, I ended up with something kind of spectacular (I'm sure it's the butter, but...).
Simple Celery Potato Soup
• 2 tablespoons butter
• 1 medium onion, chopped
• 1 clove garlic, minced
• about 2 cups chopped celery (I was using the inner portion of a bunch and threw in leaves and all)
• 1 teaspoon herbes de Provence
• salt to taste
• 1 large potato, peeled and cubed
• 4 cups stock (preferably something rich)
Melt the butter in a medium/large pan. Add onion and garlic, and sauté until it becomes translucent. Add the celery, herbes de Provence, and a little salt and cook until the celery begins to soften. Add remaining ingredients and simmer for about 20 minutes, stirring every so often to make sure things don't burn. Turn off heat and purée with an immersion or regular blender. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.
Simple Celery Potato Soup
• 2 tablespoons butter
• 1 medium onion, chopped
• 1 clove garlic, minced
• about 2 cups chopped celery (I was using the inner portion of a bunch and threw in leaves and all)
• 1 teaspoon herbes de Provence
• salt to taste
• 1 large potato, peeled and cubed
• 4 cups stock (preferably something rich)

Worth the Splurge: Hill Country Barbecue
There have been numerous barbecue joints popping up in NYC over the last few years, and now I understand why Bill Clinton's been spotted at Hill Country. I've assumed it must be good--I trust the Clintons know their 'cue--and sure enough...
We ended up at Hill Country for Lara's birthday (she wanted mac and cheese, and boy, does this place have mac and cheese!). The food is a la carte, so I went for the pork ribs (and ordered way too many...I'm used to ribs that are mainly bone, but these were super-meaty), the skillet cornbread with ancho honey butter (amazing!), and the green bean casserole (I needed to fill the vegetable bill as to not feel guilty, but let's get real...incredibly yummy, not at all healthy...). Lara picked up the regular Kreuz sausage (they were out of the jalapeño variety, but the regular was pretty spectacular), corn pudding, and the world's biggest container of mac and cheese (fabulous). Steve, being from Texas, went for the traditional lean brisket (really, really flavorful, smoky, and nice), and more of the cornbread.
The portions are definitely Texas-sized, so expect to end up with lots of leftovers (which isn't a bad thing...but now that I know, I think I'll order a single rib next time). It's NYC, so of course it's more expensive than the South, but I think Hill Country now tops my list of the city barbecue places I've tried so far.
(I also think 26th Street is turning into Barbecue Row. What's up with that?)
Thanks, President Clinton! (And thanks S&L for a fabulous dinner!)
Hill Country, 30 West 26th Street between Broadway and 6th.

The portions are definitely Texas-sized, so expect to end up with lots of leftovers (which isn't a bad thing...but now that I know, I think I'll order a single rib next time). It's NYC, so of course it's more expensive than the South, but I think Hill Country now tops my list of the city barbecue places I've tried so far.
(I also think 26th Street is turning into Barbecue Row. What's up with that?)
Thanks, President Clinton! (And thanks S&L for a fabulous dinner!)
Hill Country, 30 West 26th Street between Broadway and 6th.
Billy's Blue Hue

Billy's Bakery original Chelsea location, 184 Ninth Avenue between 21st and 22nd Streets.
Today's Dining Section: Pirates, Ducks, and Bitters
A few intriguing articles in today's Times Dining section. Firstly, don't miss Matey Minimalist Mark Bittman's latest vid...
And I'll be trying this recipe for easy duck confit, paired with a cocktail made with one of these new German bitters (will they save the NYC cocktail scene from the Angostura shortage?).
And I'll be trying this recipe for easy duck confit, paired with a cocktail made with one of these new German bitters (will they save the NYC cocktail scene from the Angostura shortage?).
Sign O' The Day
In The Mushroomy Mood
My brain pondered, "I want mushrooms...can make for friends...what to do?" Then...a flash: Mark Bittman's recipe for risotto-style pasta. He'd written his Minimalist column about it a few months ago, I was dying to try it (and happened to be making stock...), and now I had the perfect excuse.
While Bittman's recipe called for chicken, I was in a relatively meatless mood, so opted for lots of cremini mushrooms (about a pound), 1/4 cup of dried porcini mushrooms (reconstituted in warm water, which I used as well), a large clove of garlic, and a shallot. I served the pasta with some Pecorino Romano, alongside green beans with garlic and my blood orange and fennel salad. We were all pleased with my experiment, and to seal the "putting this in my regular roster" deal, the dish is even better the next day!
Hmm...speaking of leftovers...

Hmm...speaking of leftovers...
Time For A Visit
Huzzah--Blood Oranges!
I finally picked up my first blood oranges of the season at Chelsea Market yesterday, and decided to throw together a quick salad for last night's impromptu dinner party. I'd missed you, my little loves...

Blood Orange & Fennel Salad
• 2 blood oranges
• 1/2 fennel bulb
• 1/2 small red onion
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 1 teaspoon red wine vinegar
• sea salt & pepper to taste
Peel, halve, and slice the blood oranges crosswise. Remove the tough core from the fennel, then thinly slice. Slice the red onion into thin strips. Toss everything with the remaining ingredients, and serve!

Blood Orange & Fennel Salad
• 2 blood oranges
• 1/2 fennel bulb
• 1/2 small red onion
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 1 teaspoon red wine vinegar
• sea salt & pepper to taste
Peel, halve, and slice the blood oranges crosswise. Remove the tough core from the fennel, then thinly slice. Slice the red onion into thin strips. Toss everything with the remaining ingredients, and serve!
Happy 100th Birthday, Yonah Schimmel!

And finally, I have to say BOOOO to the Chowhound thread completely eviscerating Yonah Schimmel's. To each his own, but remember the history here. This family has been making knishes their way for 100 years, and if you don't like them, fine. But I always enjoy stopping in for a nosh, and I hope the place thrives for another century!

Yonah Schimmel, 137 East Houston Street (between 1st and 2nd Avenues).
NYC Tidbits: Federal Hall

Also on this site: Newspaper publisher John Peter Zenger was imprisoned, tried, and acquitted of seditious libel, establishing freedom of the press. The Stamp Act Congress met, taking the first official steps towards the rebellion against British rule ("taxation without representation"). It was the first Capitol of the US after the Constitution was ratified in 1789, and our first-ever Congress met here. During that first Congressional session, the Bill of Rights was discussed, composed, and passed.
The site's current building--based on both the Parthenon and Pantheon--opened as the US Customs house in 1842, became a sub-treasury in 1846, and became a national monument in 1939.
Federal Hall, 26 Wall Street, is open Monday-Friday, 9AM to 5PM. Admission is free. Check the website for holiday closings.
NYC Tidbits: 23 Wall Street

Playing With Purchases
Heading to the subway to zip home from Jackson Heights on Monday, I popped into the Patel Brothers grocery store on 74th Street, desperate for some veggies and a few spices. I've played with most of the few things I purchased, and including the Swad frozen Paratha (surprisingly good), here are a couple of standouts:
I picked up this container of "Fantasy" masala-chai because I always like to have the chai option, and the product name was kinda funny. Turns's pretty good!
I'm a dosa freak, and love the sambar served with them. I was entranced by this particular brand (who can resist an orange bag that says "HOT HOT"???), so I decided I'd buy it and use some of it for the base of the soup I was pondering. At first taste, I wasn't really sure (and of course I hadn't read the directions, so didn't have some of the ingredients to add to make it true sambar). But after tossing 25 grams in a pot of onion, okra, tomato, celery, and green onion soup, adding a little turmeric, cumin, coriander, and salt, I ended up with a pretty fantastic concoction that tasted even better the next day!

Great Deals: Time to Chaat

We realized that our usual chaat place is a take-away on 74th Street, so we ended up popping into a joint closer to Steve & Lara's new digs: Mehfil. Three of us went for the samosa chaat (pictured above: a samosa covered in chick peas, onions, tamarind and coriander chutneys, and a little fresh cilantro), while the two others went for the lunch buffet (which received two satisfied thumbs-up). The chaat was pretty darn tasty...there was just enough sauce (while I love it, there's often too much, and the crunchy bits get soggy before you're halfway through), and the ingredients were fresh and just spicy enough.
We also had some nicely-spiced masala chai, and the mango lassis were pretty good, too.
I picked up the to-go menu, and the prices seem very reasonable (the generous dish of samosa chaat was $5.95, and the lunch buffet was $8.95), so I can't wait to go back and explore more of their offerings. I don't think I'll be getting my fill of Mehfil anytime soon...
Mehfil, 76-05 37th Avenue, Jackson Heights.
Galette des Rois

We did chicken out on the puff pastry making, though, and Mandy bought some frozen dough for us to use. But as it was crazily expensive, we decided that we'll dedicate a day to making and freezing our own sometime soon.

In the oven, we had a few frangipane explosions...we figure we either overfilled the pastries or didn't poke big enough holes in the tops of each. But it really didn't matter, because all in all, everything turned out pretty well. We were especially happy with Julia's homemade frangipane, and we'll definitely make it again. Thank you, Julia!

The only bummer was that Mandy and I, after slaving over the galettes, lost the kingship to Stéphane. Whatever!


Made a quick stop today at Balthazar Bakery, and I gazed in awe at the beautiful galette des Rois on display. I had to take a photo, as Mandy and I are going to attempt mini galettes tomorrow. More to come!

That well still the basement of the Manhattan Bistro. I've only had coffee there, and I don't remember running into a ghost, but I'm going to have to have dinner there next Halloween!
Manhattan Bistro, 129 Spring Street between Wooster and Greene.
Another Soup for a Blustery Day
After enjoying some parsnips at a lovely post-holiday pre-Doctor Who special gathering at the Fosters on Saturday (hooray for their homemade Christmas Pudding!), I decided it was time to play with parsnips. As it's absolutely freezing outside and I had some stock in the fridge, I decided to concoct a soup. It wasn't totally perfect (it ended up being a little on the sweet side), but perhaps the recipe will inspire you to experiment with these underrated roots.
Parsnip Bacon Soup
• 5 strips of bacon, chopped
• 2 medium onions, chopped
• 4 medium parsnips, peeled and cut into chunks
• 2 Idaho potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
• 4 cups stock
• 1 teaspoon herbes de Provence
• 1/4 teaspoon cayenne
• 1/4 cup milk
• salt and pepper to taste
• 3 green onions, thinly sliced
In a large pot, sauté the bacon until the fat begins to render, then add the onion and cook until golden. Add the parsnips, potato, stock, and spices and simmer until the parsnips are tender, about 10 to 15 minutes. Purée with an immersion or regular blender, then stir in milk. Taste and adjust spices if necessary. Stir in green onions and serve.

Parsnip Bacon Soup
• 5 strips of bacon, chopped
• 2 medium onions, chopped
• 4 medium parsnips, peeled and cut into chunks
• 2 Idaho potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
• 4 cups stock
• 1 teaspoon herbes de Provence
• 1/4 teaspoon cayenne
• 1/4 cup milk
• salt and pepper to taste
• 3 green onions, thinly sliced

And Finally...Happy New Year!
And to ring in what will undoubtedly be the best decade yet, I've decided to begin a new KKNY tradition: New Year's Jambalaya. Pennsyltucky's pork and sauerkraut never really did it for me, and the Southern tradition of Black-Eyed Peas (or Hoppin' John) on New Year's Day hasn't really worked (in fact, I've only known about it for the last decade, and look where that's gotten everybody...). So, here's my Jambalaya recipe, based on one from the Napoleon House in New Orleans...

• 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
• 2 pounds chicken (white meat, or a combination of white and dark), cut into small pieces
• 1 pound smoked sausage, sliced
• 3 green peppers, diced
• 4 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 large onion, minced
• 5 stalks of celery, diced
• 1 bunch green onion, sliced
• 2 16-ounce cans chopped tomatoes
• 1 tablespoon dried thyme
• 1 teaspoon dried basil
• 2 teaspoon ground cumin
• 1/2 to 1 teaspoon cayenne (to taste)
• 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
• 1 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper
• 1 teaspoon sea salt
• 3 cups beef or chicken stock
• 2 cups long grain rice
• 1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined
In a large pot, heat oil, then sauté chicken and sausage until the chicken loses its pink color. Add peppers, onion, garlic, celery, and green onion, and cook until soft. Add remaining ingredients--except shrimp!--cover, and cook on medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until rice is tender, about 30 minutes. Check spices and adjust to taste. Turn off heat and stir in shrimp. When the shrimp's cooked (it will turn opaque), serve!

• 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
• 2 pounds chicken (white meat, or a combination of white and dark), cut into small pieces
• 1 pound smoked sausage, sliced
• 3 green peppers, diced
• 4 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 large onion, minced
• 5 stalks of celery, diced
• 1 bunch green onion, sliced
• 2 16-ounce cans chopped tomatoes
• 1 tablespoon dried thyme
• 1 teaspoon dried basil
• 2 teaspoon ground cumin
• 1/2 to 1 teaspoon cayenne (to taste)
• 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
• 1 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper
• 1 teaspoon sea salt
• 3 cups beef or chicken stock
• 2 cups long grain rice
• 1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined
In a large pot, heat oil, then sauté chicken and sausage until the chicken loses its pink color. Add peppers, onion, garlic, celery, and green onion, and cook until soft. Add remaining ingredients--except shrimp!--cover, and cook on medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until rice is tender, about 30 minutes. Check spices and adjust to taste. Turn off heat and stir in shrimp. When the shrimp's cooked (it will turn opaque), serve!
Play With Your Couscous

So, when Nancy decided to make couscous this weekend, we experimented. For 1 cup dry couscous: Sauté a medium onion and a clove of garlic (both minced), in some olive oil in a small frying pan until the onions turn golden. In a small pan, boil 1 1/2 cup water, then throw in a handful each of golden raisins, currants, and sliced dried apricots. Stir in the dry couscous, a little more olive oil, the onion/garlic mixture, and about 1/2 cup sliced green pitted olives. Turn off the heat, place the lid on the pan, and steam until the grain is cooked, about 5 minutes.
We discussed other future additions: almonds, preserved lemons, herbs, and more. Time to play!
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