
Sunday in NY, Part 2: Wandering...

Yesterday was a beautiful day in NYC...one of the particularly spectacular ones that only occur in the fall. I went a-wandering after hitting the New Amsterdam Market and ended up zig-zagging my way from the Seaport, through Tribeca, up The High Line, then home. Niiiiice...

As I walked up the hill from the East River, I noticed a new building with a wave-like silver façade that looks like it might actually end up being a nice addition to the city. I'm kind of digging some of these retro-deco designs that have been popping up around town recently.

This discarded refrigerator on Greenwich was unusually immaculate. For whatever reason, it fascinated me...like it was just ready to be filled with happy, fresh groceries...

I don't wander around Tribeca enough... I discovered Staple Street--a fairly interesting-looking alley in the midst of it all. Kind of cool.

And then...Autumn on The High Line. Wonderfully different from the summer, and they've done a nice job with the seasonal wildflowers. I love that the park has been dramatically different every time I visit.

If only the entire city hadn't decided to visit yesterday, too...

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