
A Thank You from Around Town...

5x7 Folded Card
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Snow Removal Tips from 1888

As we prepare for what promises to be an epic snowstorm, let's consider returning to this undoubtedly safe method of getting rid of huge amounts of snow. Did New Yorkers really do this? I mean, the Blizzard of 1888 was bad, but, wow. And if so, I'm really not surprised...I think humans have a long history of being absolutely...brilliant...

Image by Granger, from Fine Art America.


A Crazy Cold Story

The Equitable Building, from the Museum of the City of New York's blog.
This ridiculously chilly cold snap (NY1 says it's a balmy 12 degrees outside...again!) and report of firefighter issues in Chicago reminded me of one of the many freaky weather-related events in New York City: The Equitable Building Fire.

The 1870 building at 120 Broadway caught fire on January 9, 1912, in the middle of a below-freezing, windy night. The multi-alarm blaze became impossible to fight when the water (on the building and in the firefighting apparatuses) froze--rather spectacularly. Read all about this unusual event on the Museum of the City of New York's blog.


Have You Missed Me?

Wondering where I've been?

No, I haven't gone into hiding, or gone mute, or given up. I've been working on a novel! I know, I know...you're thinking, "That's what they all say!" Well, yes, I'll admit I've jumped onto the "I'm writing the Great American Novel" bandwagon...but hey--why not?

I'm still a long way away from publishing, but have decided I'd like to share some of the goodies I've found here. I've been researching lots of New York City history, and have found a few fantastic gems of goodness. So check back from time to time, and you might just learn something fascinating!

More to come soon from the new-and-improved KKNY!